General Manager's Message

General Manager's Message


Founded in March 2010, Choris Chemical develops and manufactures derivatives of gum rosin, a natural organic compound. As a new company but with extensive experience and expert knowledge in our core team, we look to introduce new products with better features to our downstream clients.


China, a leading global exporter of gum rosin, has made significant progress in developing gum rosin derivatives in the past twenty years. The usage of these products has expanded from the more traditional industries of paper, inks, coatings and adhesives to many new areas. The advances in socio-economic development in China has brought people's expectations for high standard of quality and their awareness of environmental protection to a new level. For Choris, this has presented huge challenges but at the same time superb opportunities. We have been driving for innovations for high quality new products for industries as green adhesives, household appliances, electronics and healthcare products. Our business development strategy is consistent with national policies on transformation of the economy.


Today's digital era requires manufacturers to advance with the times: to continuously develop new technical solutions based on customers' requirements, to continuously enhance the features of our products and to continuously improve our customer services. “Speed and Change” will be the norm in our future development. What remains unchanged will be our core values as a responsible enterprise: quality, environmental-sustainability and safety.


Since the establishment of Choris, we have been hugely supported by our customers and friends which we are really grateful for. We promise you: Choris will keep our honest, humble and thankful attitudes, as well as our down-to-earth, rigorous and diligent work ethics. We are determined to become a trustworthy and respectable enterprise.


Your trust and confidence in us is our greatest drive forward. Please continue to support us!


                                                                                                                                                   Lin Feng               

                                                        March 19th ,2015        


Address: #72 Lijian Avenue, Nanning-ASEAN Economic Development Zone,530105 Guangxi, China

Tel: 0771-6018696

Fax: 0771-6018699

ICP: 15002693   

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