Company news

In our company's employee selection activity, 5 employees were rated as outstanding employees in the first quarter of 2020 due to their outstanding work performance and outstanding achievements.

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On March 6, 2020, Guangxi Chuangyue Chemical Co., Ltd. signed the "2020 Work Target Responsibility Letter" with the heads of various departments.

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The outbreak of the novel coronavirus, dubbed COVID-19, centered on Wuhan, Hubei, is getting worse across the country. According to the work requirements of the government and the ASEAN Economic Development Zone, on the one hand, our company postponed the resumption time, adopted a flexible working mechanism after resumption of work, and strengthened the work in disinfection protection, temperature check, emergency drills, etc. according to the actual situation, in order to protect the majority of employees. Work hard for life safety and physical and mental health.

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Address: #72 Lijian Avenue, Nanning-ASEAN Economic Development Zone,530105 Guangxi, China

Tel: 0771-6018696

Fax: 0771-6018699

ICP: 15002693   

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